I created Norah for myself and for you!

Norah was born...

One fine morning, I got up all determined to take charge of my usually calm skin that had become irritated, hyper-sensitive and acne-prone over post-motherhood period. I was soon frustrated, confused brand-hopper searching for a solution. Nothing really worked and if it did, it wasn't for long

Trying to keep it under control was a daily battle and finding products that didn't contain problem ingredients brought a whole new challenge. I’d reached a dead-end with a bathroom cabinet full of products claiming to be "hypoallergenic" and "organic", let down by their ingredient lists full of synthetics and known irritants.

I just wanted effective skincare I could trust and depend on and creating Norah was my way of taking back control. Norah is everything I wanted as a customer; skincare made with effective, organic ingredients, no nonsense marketing and a brand that understands products are just one piece of the puzzle.

Norah was created to celebrate integrity in its most humble and true form. Its offering is pioneering, not in the familiar technologies it uses, but in its honesty and integrity.